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«  Июль 2014  »

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Главная » 2014 » Июль » 12 » «Fireflies» (светлячки)
«Fireflies» (светлячки)
Request from thelittledraculina
Written: KittySkywalke
Pairing: Pip x Seras
Prompt: Pip and Seras teach their children how to catch fireflies.

Happy Family

What had once become a rarity for them was becoming an all too wonderful constant. The night was warm and still. He was home and she finally was on leave from the London Metropolitan Police.

It was a night then would have spent cooped up in their bedroom once. But now, tiny pitter patters of small feet often echoed throughout their home. Tiny feet that belonged to their three children.

Seras smiled lovingly up at her husband. She’d never imagined she’d ever fall in love. Men had been a threat. Men were to be feared. But not Pip. Not ever Pip. He’d snatched her heart, and once her tender feelings for him had bloomed, there was no stopping them. They’d had a short passionate love affair, and once she was twenty-one, he’d asked her to marry him.

After many years of trying, they’d given up on children. Yet once they stopped trying, that was when it happened. Seras had wound up pregnant, barely able to speak when she’d told Pip the good news. After their first daughter, their other two children had come rapid fire.

It was a dream. Fragile perhaps, but…everything she could have dreamed of nonetheless. These were things she was not allowed to have, and he gave them to her anyway. Love and a family. She knew she was a lucky girl.

She was pulled from her musings when her oldest daughter let go of her hand. Lina was four, and getting into her rambunctious stage. She was a daddy’s girl, but whenever Seras indulged in anything fashion oriented, the little blonde green eyed girl was glued to her side. Seras tentatively let go of her child’s hand, letting the girl begin to run about the lush green grass of the park. Flowers were blooming, and Lina was sure to pick them.

Seras moved closer to Pip. He was holding the hand of their second oldest and only son Micheal. He had his father’s hair and his mother’s eyes. He was three, and just as lively as his sister. He loved to cuddle with Seras when she read to him, and he loved to play with Pip out in the backyard. The boy would often attempt to wear his father’s old fatigues and try on his father’s eyepatch. Pip let go of their son’s hand, his emerald eye keeping a close and loving watch over their children.

It broke for a moment when Seras took his hand in hers. The gold metal of his wedding ring was warm. She pressed her lips to his upper arm, and he bent down to capture her lips in a quick kiss. A soft cooing broke their moment, of tenderness. Seras beamed up t their youngest. Another baby girl named Sorina. She was the spitting image of her mother, and like Seras, was happy to remain in Pip’s arms. She was eighteen months old, and had been given a Romanian name in honor of the Count. Surprisingly, he’d been the one to encourage them not to give up on having children.

And now, they had three precious little ones.

"Lina, Micheal! Come here!" Seras called gently. Her children trotted back over as they were about to begin their family outing. Pip had become a stay at home dad. The little ones saw him all the time, but Seras had to make a constant effort to stay at home more. She’d been promoted to Superintendent, and Pip couldn’t have been more proud of her.

She and Pip sat down, their children instantly settling into their laps as they looked at what their parents had brought along. Butterfly nets and clear glass jars. It was twilight, and it would be dark soon. A perfect time for catching fireflies, something the children had never experienced before.

"Is everyone ready?" Pip asked smiling. Seras nodded eagerly, and the children lit up.

"Yes!!" the two older ones chimed. Sorina was too busy playing with her father’s hair to reply.

"Alright," Pip said. He pulled up the sleeves of his tight dark blue t-shirt up to his elbows. Seras smiled. Such a strange little thing, but it was a look that was so uniquely him. And something she had adored when she’d first met him. It showed his constant willingness to dive headfirst into whatever came his way. Be it war, marriage, or fatherhood.

He placed Sorina onto the ground, and the toddle instantly began to sniffle. She stood up, rather wobbly on her feet and moved into her father’s lap.

"Aw, baby," he cooed, kissing her cheek. "It’s okay. Papa’s not going anywhere. You wanna cuddle with Mummy? Yeah?"

Blue eyes met Seras, and her open arms were rewarded with her youngest crawling in them. She was reaching the age where she would show favoritism between both her parents, but they took it in stride. Luckily she settled, and Pip took up a butterfly net. Lina and Micheal were enthralled as Pip began to teach them how to catch fireflies.

Seras sat with Sorina, both of them watching happily as Pip ran about while Lina and Micheal followed their own butterfly nets in hand. The two oldest ones were enthusiastic if not skilled. They were too short and slow at their ages to catch fireflies on their own. A few tears were shed in frustration and disappointment when they came close but didn’t succeed in catching fireflies. Pip then picked them up in turn, holding them close to where the luminous insects resided on the bark of the trees. Feather light nets swirled in the air, tiny pinpoints of light circled about.

Seras thought Pip had never looked more beautiful than he did right then. His face illuminated by small amounts of natural light, a happy smile on his handsome face, and their children cradled in his arms. Seras looked down to Sorina and placed a skies on her forehead. The little girl smiled and resumed her exploration of the empty glass jar in her hands, small fingers running over the soft smooth surface.

Eventually, after much effort on Pip’s part, a firefly resided in a glass jar for each of the children. Seras gather up the little ones, Sorina in her arms, and her, Lina’s, and Micheal’s hands all forming a little chain. Pip was stuck with the duty of carrying the nets, jars, and anything else the little ones might have left behind. The children were tired by that time, and went into the car without a fuss. They were each buckled in, their fireflies cradled in their arms. The lull of the car eventually put them to sleep.

Pip had taken off his eyepatch and sat behind the wheel. His peripheral vision was awful in his left eye, but he was still able to drive. Only at night however. The light hurt his injured orb, his eyepatch providing solace. Soft music played from their cars radio. Pip held Seras had in his own, their intertwined fingers resting on her lap. She watched the road roll by for a moment before turning back to him. She squeezed his hand tightly. Her red eyes stared lovingly at him.

"Pip," she whispered.

"Mmm?" he replied, glancing at her and smiling.

"I love you," she whispered.

He brought her knuckles to his lips. He kissed her wedding set, before placing a firm doting kiss on the back of her hand. “Je t’adore, Mignonette.”

She laughed softly and beamed at him. He rarely said ‘I love you’ in English. When they’d been dating, it had been to hide his true feelings. Now, it was to prove just how much he loved her. If he said it in his mother tongue—the language of love—it was the most honest he could possibly be about his adoration of her.

For the rest of the car ride home, Seras kept their hands interlocked while Pip ran his thumb over her soft skin. They only parted when they pulled into the driveway of their home. Now, their hands needed to tend to their children. The little miracles they never imagined they’d have.
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 697 | Добавил: Орфелия |
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Орфелия  
Lina: first daughter, green eyes and blonde hair, age four, named after Pip's mother.
Michael: only son, Pip's hair color and blue eyes, age three, named after Seras' father.
Sorina: second daughter, a tiny version of Seras, eighteen months, given a Romanian name in honor of the Count.

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