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Название: Одно мгновенье
Фэндом: Hellsing OVA
Жанр: романитка
Персонажи: Бернадотте\Серас
Рейтинг: NC-17

Серас тяжело дышала. Рука постепенно востанавливала форму, тело приходило в норму, но дыхание не успокаивалось. Капитан был тяжелым противником, таким, которых встретишь не часто, еще менее часто таких удастся победить. Малейшая неточность - и из экс-полицейской выбили бы не только неимоверное количество крови, но и дух. Однако, этого не произошло. Поэтому этот противник был особенным.
- Девчушка, что ты не встаешь? Мы его сделали, слышишь? Вместе мы его сделали!
Дыхание не становится более ровным. Скорее наоборот. Серас поднялась с колен, встала твердо, лишь для уверенности упираясь о стену.
- Леди Интегра, я должна защищать... – дыхание сбилось на еще более странный ритм. Прерывистый, в такт сердцу и пульсирующей в виске крови. И все из-за голоса в г ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 863 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 20.11.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Never let the sun rise
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Seras, Pip.

The first time I met Captain Bernadette I immediately thought he was a no good womanizing asshole. Boy I couldn't hit the nail more on the head if I had to. He was the kind of man who could insult you and hit on you in the same sentence. So it was no surprise that his hands often wandered. The only surprise was that he wasn't afraid to let his hands wander to a vampire's behind. Though I have to admit it excited me a bit, to have someone who seemed interested in my body, it troubled me to think that the only thing he could be interested in was my body. In today's society, it isn't common to find a woman my age who is still a virgin, and the main reason I still am is my strong urge to be loved. Growing up in an orphanage I ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 666 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 07.11.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Seras, Pip.

Note: Another Universe Fic, Zorin has died in the airship after it explodes from the Halconnen II. Therefore, Pip is alive, some of the Wild geese suvived, Seras is still „Half Vampire" and has both Arms left, and Pip just tried once to kiss her.

It was late evening in England, as Seras awaked from her sleep and yawned.

It was a hard night yesterday, but today noththing was to do, or she hoped so.

She pushed open the lid of her coffin, yawned another time, and looked around; Walter has already worked, so it seemed.

Fresh blood was lying there, in an bucket with ice, like always.

She stood up, took it and drank it to the last drop.

After her meal,Seras left her room t ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 682 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 06.11.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Quiet Day
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Seras, Pip.

Pip x Seras

The hotel room was dimly lit with the morning sun. Even though all the curtains were drawn, it was enough to wake the mercenary; that and another spring from the couch was sticking him in the back. The last few days of laying low in Brazil seemed like a fun vacation. Hell, he was even getting paid for it! With some effort he propped himself up and sparked up a cigarette. The room was warm, too warm. Even though he had only his boxers on, he was drenched in sweat.

"Great….fucking great… the A/C went out again," Pip groaned and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He couldn't really complain though. Hellsing was paying for the room, and he had to admit, it was much nicer than what he was used to.

Sta ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 722 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 24.10.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Вещий сон
Фэндом: Hellsing OVA
Основные персонажи: Серас Виктория, Пип Бернадотте
Рейтинг: PG-13
Жанры: Гет, Романтика, Фантастика

Утро субботы. В особняке Хелсингов стояла полная тишина. У Пипа Бернандота и диких гусей был выходной. Проснувшись Пип, с трудом открыл единственный глаз – вчера было день рождения сера Интегры. Дикие гуси продолжили банкет уже вне поместья, Сер Интегра вместе с Алукардом уехали, куда-то по делам на целый месяц, Волтер отправился на отдых в какой-то санаторий поправлять здоровье. В поместье остался только Пип и Виктория…
Пип скинул с себя одеяло и встал с кровати, медленно подошёл к личному холодильнику в своей комнате, который он выпросил у Волтера, открыл его и достал банку пива. Открыв её, он сел на кровать и отхлебнул холодного пива. По мере того как пустела банка проходила боль в голове.
-Интересно, а Виктория уже ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 862 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 14.10.2014 | Комментарии (0)


She was radiant as ever under the canopy of the green trees. She was an angel in her white dress, the rich pastels of the twilight ours highlighting their evening wedding. Her crimson eyes were the rubies his emerald gaze would easily loose himself in.

Neither of them had either thought marriage would be a possibility. Not only with each other, but simply with anyone. Who would want to marry a girl with such fear and anger towards men? Who would want to marry a girl who was dead? Who would want to marry a man paid to fight in wars that were not his own? Who would want to marry a man who thought killing was a thrill?

Pip and Seras were the perfect match for one another. They accepted each other’s darkness, yet rooted each other in their humanity. They reminded each other what is was to truly laugh and smile. They comforted, supported, and most importantly, loved one another. They moved together at their ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 797 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 12.07.2014 | Комментарии (0)

First Daughter of Pip Bernadotte and Seras Victoria

He’d never known it could be like this. When Seras had given Pip the opportunity to be a father…He hadn’t known.

He hadn’t known it was possible to love someone in their entirety without ever having seen them before. He hadn’t known that once those bright innocent eyes looked upon him for the first time his heart would no longer be his own. He hadn’t known it was possible to be so attune to every detail of another person.

He loved Seras more than anything. He was in love with her—hopelessly, devotedly, and endlessly. They’d be together forever.

But their child…he was discovering an entirely new level of love. One he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams. He drowned in it willingly every time he laid his emerald eye upon their daughter. Every time she cooed, grasped his finger, or played with their hair…he ga ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 671 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 12.07.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Pips Entire View Of Woman And How To Treat Them
: thatfilthyfrenchmercenary
Synopsis: Pip’s entire view of woman and how to treat them had been instilled in him by his mother. Though she hadn’t been with him very long, she’d taught him a lifetime’s worth. And he would recall her lessons with nothing but fondness.

Pip’s entire view of woman and how to treat them had been instilled in him by his mother. Though she hadn’t been with him very long, she’d taught him a lifetime’s worth. And he would recall her lessons with nothing but fondness.

For all intents and purposes, it had in fact been an accident. Pip was only six years old and he and his group of friends, both boys and girls, were playing a simple game of tag. He was it and was chasing one of the slower girls Caroline in order to tag her. Caroline had twin pigtails long and easy to grab.

So he had. He’d caught up to her and yanked on her hair, shouting, “You’re it! ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 581 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 12.07.2014 | Комментарии (0)

Request from thelittledraculina
Written: KittySkywalke
Pairing: Pip x Seras
Prompt: Pip and Seras teach their children how to catch fireflies.

Happy Family

What had once become a rarity for them was becoming an all too wonderful constant. The night was warm and still. He was home and she finally was on leave from the London Metropolitan Police.

It was a night then would have spent cooped up in their bedroom once. But now, tiny pitter patters of small feet often echoed throughout their home. Tiny feet that belonged to their three children.

Seras smiled lovingly up at her husband. She’d never imagined she’d ever fall in love. Men had been a threat. Men were to be feared. But not Pip. Not ever Pip. He’d ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 689 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 12.07.2014 | Комментарии (1)

НАЗВАНИЕ: Vulnerat omnes ultima nekat
АВТОР: AAluminium
ФЭНДОМ: Hellsing OVA
ПЕРСОНАЖИ: Бернадотте/Серас, мелькают: Интегра, Алукард, Уолтер.
ЖАНРЫ: Гет, Ангст, Драма, Психология, Философия
СТАТУС: заморожен

Глава II

Серас, скрестив ноги, сидела на своем гробу, спокойно полируя пушку, которая поначалу ей казалась самым неутонченным и самым грубым оружием из всего набора, что мог предложить Уолтер. Разумеется, поначалу она испытывала что-то вроде зависти: ее хозяин, Алукард, удостоился куда более изящного пистолета, чем она. Впрочем, в конце концов девушка с этим смирилась: нет ничего странного в том, что некто выше рангом получает определенные привилегии, будь то выбор оружия или что-нибудь другое.

Она, бросив короткий взгляд на луну, чье бледное сияние прорывалось сквозь распахнутое окно, подавила вздох, стараясь не думать о том, что ей – и им всем – предстоит пережить в ближайшем времен ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Фанфики | Просмотров: 1032 | Добавил: Орфелия | Дата: 12.08.2013 | Комментарии (1)

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